Monthly Archives: August 2019

Letter to a Dying/Dead Relationship 2

It gave the feeling of being at home
Then took the feeling into exile
Perhaps, the affections were a mistake.

Two is a company, they say
I was not the first, neither was I the second that made the pact
But the unwelcomed third who is with the company
And ought to go away so there can be a company and not a crowd.
I am not the maiden who awaits her betrothed
But like the unwelcomed third who is with two betrothed lovers
And ought to go away so that they can be together.

It was a love of attachment, not of benevolence
Attached by the cord that knit hearts.
With tensions of varying degree and direction
The cord was affected by a change of position
An act of cowardice that cuts off the flying wings of desire
Alas! A cord can always be cut
That is the punishment for having fed love on imagination
Sought, Dreamed, Desired but never exercise.

But I see a city
Where imprisonment by any affection does not exist
Where there will no ambiguity about the depth of the source
A city of marvellous agreement between the speaker and the hearer
A haven where the hearer can discern the value of the words
And the voice of love rings louder than any voice of opposition

Now, I need not disturb the silence
By my breathing and the beating of the heart.
I need to rest and lie in safety
So that those things I do not see and hope for
May become perfect in their beauty and time.